This recipe is one of my favourites by far as it requires so little skill it's unreal all you need is a blender or food processor of some sort and a baking tray to make an insane supply of delicious sugary vegan goodness so get ready to make these incredible raw vegan snickers bars
- 1 and a 3/4 cups of cashews
- 3/4 cup of coconut flour
- 3 cups of dates
-1 tablespoon almond butter
-A bit of vanilla extract
- small amounts of water
First lay out your baking tin and line with baking parchment. You may need a couple as this recipe makes a lot of delicious bars. Then blend together 1 and a half cups of cashews, 1 cup of dates and all of your coconut flour to make your base. Add a very tiny bit of water if it's having trouble blending and I find that blending small amounts at a time makes you get through the process a lot faster.
Then you spread that into your baking tins and stick them in the freezer while you make your caramel layer.
For the caramel layer blend together the rest of the dates, some vanilla extract and almond butter. You may also need a tiny bit of water here too to make the 'caramel' a little softer and easier to blend and spread. Now remove the trays from the freezer and spread the caramel mixture on top. Once you've done that chop up the remaining cashews and sprinkle them on top of your trays.
What is this missing though? Chocolate! I went for the sweet freedom brand cocoshot as basically all the hard work had been done for me. Spread that across your bars then put the trays back in the freezer for a few hours.
Once the bars have set its time to cut them! Slice the trays into standard chocolate bar sized portions and enjoy. Any remaining bars can be put in tupperware and stored in the fridge or freezer for future use.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your raw vegan snickers bars