Friday, 26 February 2016

Easy Vegan Sushi

Making vegan sushi

Making sushi is a lot simpler and easier than you think and is really cheap too which makes it even better in my opinion.

What you'll need
Nori seaweed (available in most supermarkets now)
Sushi vinegar
Rice (I use brown rice)
Cucumber or avocado

First boil your rice until it's cooked through. I find about 75g of rice is enough for two nori sheets of sushi.

Once your rice is cooked throw in a splash of rice vinegar, then mix and leave to cool.

While you're waiting for your rice to cool slice your cucumber or avacado into strips. I find around a quarter of a cucumber is more than enough.
Now it's time to put it all together! A rolling may would be good but to be honest you don't really need one. Lay your cooled rice thinly on the nori leaving around an inch on each side to allow for rolling. Place your cucumber slices in the middle then spread a light amount of water on the edges of the nori as this allows the sushi to stick a bit better. 
Now you just roll your sushi!
Once you've made your rolls it's time to slice it. The sharper the knife the better! To make the sushi hold up better wetting the knife before each slice. Put some soy sauce and chilli sauce on the side and you're done!

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